Morrison's Pensions

Pension Application for Adam Garlough [Garlock]

by James F. Morrison
State of New York
Montgomery County
            On this 35th day of January 1833, before me Abraham Morrell, one of the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas in and for the County of Montgomery and State of New York, came Adam Garlock of the Town of Canajoharie, county and state aforesaid, aged seventy-seven years nine months & 19 days, who being first duly sworn according to law, doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the act passed by Congress, June 7th 1832.
            That he entered the service of the United States under the following named officers and served as herein stated vizt, first in the regiment of militia commanded by Col. Cox (1), then County of Tryon in the company commanded by Capt. Robert Krous (2) that emediately [immediately] in the spring or summer in the year 1775 (3) inlisted and trained under the aforesaid Capt. Kraus.  And that after some several years Col. Cox killed and by Col. Cammel (4) superseded who to the best of the claimants knowledge continued the comm’d of the reg’t until superseded by Col. Clyde.
            That this applicant declares that in obedience to his superior officers and the direction and resolution passed by the old Congress 27th day of May, 1775 as well then in compliance of the laws and resolutions passed by the State of New York.  This applicant did furnish himself with sufficient arms and acquipment [equipment] to kept [keep] himself in readiness.  Always, at a moment’s warning and accordingly did turn out, on all and every occurrence and emergency when warned and called upon in the service of the Untied States, against the common enemy and indendaries of Great Britain.
            The applicant regrets that after such a length of time,  lapse [___?___} ending half a centre [century], rendering it impractible in describing the no. days nor months he has rendered in his services to the United States and his country.
            Neither can the applicant declare dates, nor years particularly when services at all times have been performed by him, and such of his duties and services, he doth recollect he begs leave to mention the following; that the applicant declares that in winter 1776 Capt. Krous with his company of militia went to Caughnawaga (5) then joined Gen’ l Phililp Schuyler, there remained several days than went under the command of Gen’l Schuyler to the Village of Johnstown, there mett Sr. John Johnson, with about, supposed 400 men in arms causing them to surrender, their object not expected either that they could go to Canada, M__ __?___ e.  [That would, {phrase is crossed out}] torment those attached to the American Cause in achieving our independence--.
            This claimant declares to the best of his knowledge he thinks that it was in the year 1776, he with Capt. Kraus’s Company went to Stone Arabia, Town of Palatine to Fort Snell twice in the same year, watching and guarding, against the incursions of the common enemy as to length of time remaining there does not remember, but at least 8 days each trip in summer & fall.—
            This applicant further declares he beliefs in the year 1778, he was drafted to go to Fort Stanwix then & there remained for about six weeks,--labouring at the fort (6) and performing services such he was directed, for the United States—and this applicant further says that he has been ordered out twice to Fort Hank. (7)  While there, watching and guarding the inhabitants in the fort & c against the incursions of the common enemy.  Number of days he cannot tell—but beliefs in the years 1780 about eight days each trip.—
            Also drafted, and went under Mr. Brown (8) from Turlough (9) to Herkimer watching and guarding, [also sent on scout while at Herkimer,{this phrase is crossed out}]  One month [either {word crossed out}] in the year 1778 [or 1780 {crossed out}] ordered out under Gen’l Herkimer to Unidela (10) down on the Susquehanna to mett Capt. Brandt the Indians British Chief, accompanied with about 500 warriors about 4 weeks until ___?___ but not come to battle.
            Also this applicant declares that he went under Gen’l Herkimer into that memorable Battle at Oriskany, on the 6th day of Augt 1777 when the militia lost about 200 men (11) and himself took part in battle an action. [Further this applicant declares {phrase crossed out}]  This applicant further declares [this applicant{crossed out}] that he was drafted, date does not recollect to go to Fort Plain there continued for some considerable time, and with others, to view the surrounding country to spy out the enemy daily performed the same with fidelity and attended with great risqué [risk] and danger—
            That this applicant further declares that in October 1781 he was ordered by Col. Willett, pressed with wagon and horses to carry ammunition and other necessaries, at the time of the battle against Marj’r Ross and Butler with their indendiary host & crew to Johnstown.
            This applicant further declares that he thinks in summer 1781, he went in Turlough Battle under command of Col. Willett against a large party, common enemy from Canada, Turlough, now Town of Sharon [now {crossed out}] County of Schoharie headed by John Dockstader.
            This applicant further declares that he was with wagon & horses to carry bateaus vizt boats from the Mohawk River and other articles to Lake Otsego, at the time of Gen’l Sullivan’s Expedition (12) to the west in destroying Indian Castles, and dispersing the Indians those attached to the British Government—That this claimant saith that he once particularly had been shot upon by a number of  the enemies Indians, calculated at about seventy, who hath ambush his path, but through the influence of kind providence luckily escaped unhurt.  The number of seventy; headed by Rob’t Nelles from Canada.  And emediately alarmed the inhabitants in the vicinity and neighborhood all around him, apprizing them of emediate danger that awaited them, and in consequence, no, incursion depravation or injury was committed at that time.—
            That your applicant declares that according to the advice, orders and directions given to him by Col. Marinus Willett who was then stationed at Fort Plain to leave his place of residence and to quit his farm in Canajoharie, when he moved into Fort Plain at a distance of five miles, from his place or residence, accordingly did move, where he had his station for three years in the said fort before his return with his family to his former place of residence.
            Where he was constraint in watching and guarding against the incursions of the enemy, almost continually, besides and exclusively of the duties and services performed by the applicant while constraint to reside at the fort, that he always kept himself in readiness, at a moment’s warning, marching out on all each and every occurrence, and emergency when therein to required, and often and frequently did turn out, sometimes under the emedient command of Col. Willett, and at other was under the command of the militia officers.  In battle or each and every other occurrence, occasion, or in case of the incursion of the common enemy.  When called upon, he always did keep himself in readiness and did march out with his superior officers whenever thereto required, not only in compliance with the orders and directions of his superior officers but also according with in compliance of the resolution passed by the old congress on the 27th day of May 1775, whereby it was resolved that the militia of New York, be armed and trained and in, constant readiness to act at a moment’s warning, as well than in conformity of the laws and resolutions passed by the authority of the State of New York.
            That your claimant declares that he has no documentary evidence, and that he knows of no person with whom he can prove all his services and duties so performed during the war, but generally that the applicant did perform duty from first to last equal with ALL others when & where required then to.—
            Your applicant further declares that he has not only been engaged in performing duty for tow years, but that he has been engaged in serving, in performing duty and military service from almost the beginning of the Revolutionary War to the conclusion of the same, therefore declares in positive terms that he did and has performed duty & services in support of his countries cause in the Revolution for more than two years.—
            That he hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the present and declares that his name is not on the pension roll of the agency of any state.
            That the applicant further declares that he was born in the Town of Canajoharie in the then County of Tryon now County of Montgomery on the 11th day of April 1755 that he hath resided in the said Town of Canajoharie, previous & during the Revolutionary War and ever since.
(Signed with his mark) Adam Garlough
            Sworn and Subscribed the day & year aforesaid. Before me Abm. Morrell, Judge of Montgomery County.


  1. Ebenezer Cox was promoted to Colonel in October of 1776 in place of Nicholas Herkimer.  Herkimer was originally the Colonel of the First Battalion of Tryon County Militia until September 5, 1776, when he was appointed to Brigadier General to command the Tryon County Militia Brigade.
  2. Robert Crouse was not appointed Captain of the 4th Company until March 1776 when Jacob W. Seeber was appointed captain in the 4th NY Continental Regiment.  Robert Crouse was killed at the Battle of Oriskany on August 6, 1777.
  3. This means Adam should have served under Seeber in 1775.  After Crouse was killed First Lieutenant Francis Utt was promoted to Captain of the 4th Co.  In 1779 Francis Utt moved out of the county and First Lieutenant Adam Leipe is promoted to Capt. of the 4th Co. and served in that capacity to the end of the war.
  4. Samuel Campbell was promoted from Major to Colonel of the First Battalion after August of 1777.  Col. Cox was killed at Oriskany and Lieutenant-Colonel William Seeber died Sept. 1, 1777 from the wounds he received at Oriskany.
    Campbell lived at Cherry Valley until Nov. 11, 1778 when that settlement was destroyed.   Campbell’s wife and several of his children were captured and taken to Canada.  Campbell moved to Schenectady and spent the remainder of the war trying to get his family released or exchanged.
    Lieutenant Colonel Samuel Clyde of Cherry Valley was also burned out and moved closer to the Mohawk River, now commanded the regiment until the end of the war.  He was never promoted to Colonel as Colonel Campbell although he moved out of the county never resigned his commission.
  5. This conference was in February of 1776  Sir John Johnson and many of his tenants gave their parole not to act against the American Government.
  6. Fort Stanwix built in 1758 under General John Stanwix had fallen in disrepair after the French and Indian War.  In 1776 the Americans were rebuilding the fort to protect the Mohawk Valley from British and their allies from incursions.  Fort Stanwix was renamed Fort Schuyler after American General Philip Schuyler.
  7. Fort Plank.
  8. Captain John Mathias Brown of the 8th Company in the First Battalion of Tryon County Militia.  Brown was in command of this detachment of men picked or sent from the various companies of the regiment.
  9. New Dorlach, now Town of Sharon, Schoharie County.
  10. Unadilla.  This conference was held on June 27, 1776 between Capt. Joseph Brant and B. Gen. Nicholas Herkimer.  The Americans were hoping to get Brant and the Six Nations to at least remain neutral.
  11. I am surprised that he never mentions that Captain Crouse or General Herkimer was killed in the battle although he mentions that about 200 men were killed.
  12. Adam was actually transporting bateaux to Lake Otsego for General James Clinton.  From there Clinton would move his troops and supplies to the Susquehanna and join General John Sullivan and his army. From there they marched against the Indian villages in the western part of New York.

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