Morrison's Pensions

Pension Application for Jedediah Darrow

W.1570 (Widow: Alche)
B.L.Wt 17568-160-55
Declaration of Jedediah Darrow, In order to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress passed June 7th 1832.
State of New York
Madison County
            On the Eighth day of October 1832 personally appeared in Open Court before the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of said County, now sitting Jedediah Darrow a resident of the Town of Eaton in said County aged seventy years who being first duly sworn according to Law doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress passed June 7th 1832.
            That he entered the service of the United States under the following named officers and served has here in stated.
            That during the Revolutionary War he resided in SpencerTown in the State of New York that about the first of April 1778 there was a draft at SpencerTown and this declarant was drafted and went to Valley Forge in the State of Pennsylvania where they joined General Washingtons Army, this declarant was put into a company commanded by Captain Hallet (1) one of the Lieutenants was Cadwise (2) the other Lieut. Not recollected, the Ensign was Wisenfelt, they belonged to a Regiment Commanded by Colonel Cortland, Lieutenant Col. Wisenvelt and Major Fish.  They soon pursued after the British through the State of New Jersey to Manmouth.  At Manmouth the well known battle took place but their Regiment was not in the engagement. (3) The day of the engagement their Regiment was six miles from the scene of action did not get up until the battle was over.  This declarant was on the sick list and was not with the regiment.  After the Battle the American Army marched to White Plains in New York where they encamped.  Soon after they got to White Plains he went in a detachment to Norwich in Connecticut, where they staid about two weeks and then returned to White Plains.
            That after they returned to White Plains this declarant was taken sick and sent to Albany to the Hospital (4) where he remained until the fore part of February when he was discharged from the hospital and joined his regiment at Warsink below Musinbuckus Where they had gone into Winter quarters and was again mustered in Captain Hallets Company where he remained until discharged which was in a short time.  That he got back to SpencerTown (where went after being discharged), about the last day of February that it lacked but a few days of eleven months from the time he was drafted at SpencerTown and started to join the Army to the time when he got back to SpencerTown.
            That in the Spring of 1779, month not recollected the Militia being classed (5) the class to which he belonged was called in to pursue some men he then volunteered to go for his class and went to Albany where they were mustered, from there they went to Schoharry on the Mohawk where they joined a company of Militia commanded by a Lieutenant Vroman, where they remained Stationed three months, the time for which he was called out his term of service expired about the time that a part of the Continental Army passed over from the Mohawk to Otsego Lake to join General Sullivans Army and this declarant enlisted or volunteered under  Captain Alexander Harpers (7) for the Campaign and went with the Army to the outlet of Otsego lake and went down the Susquehannah about forty miles to a place called Youman’s Plantation and then returned to the foot of the Lake where he was taken sick, and received a pass to return home and did return home.  That he served under Captain Harper about six weeks to the time he got home.
            That in the Spring of the Year 1780 there was a quota of men called for service in the militia were classed and this deponent went for a class in the Town West and adjoining SpencerTown they were called out for nine months (8) he went directly to Albany where they were mustered and then went to Schoharry where he went into a Company Commanded by Captain Hager and Lieutenant Joseph Harper (9) this declarant followed scouting through the summer in company with a man by the name of Wilbur (10) who had before belonged to  Colonel Morgan’s Corpse of Riflemen there was three Scouting parties in the company said to be three in a  party but Wilbur and this declarant generally went together without any other with them.  The parties took turns and were generally out three days at a time.  They went different rauts [routes] for the purpose of watching the approach or movement of the Indians.  While they were stationed at the upper fort in Schoharry a party of Indians came into Schoharry and within about two miles of the Fort took six prisoners an old man his lady a servant girl and three blacks, they took the old lady a short distance and let her go, that a party of Captain Hagers Company went under a Lieut Vroman in pursuit of the Indian and the said Wilbur and this Declarant went in the detachment, they pursued them it was said about forty miles they followed their trail and found where they had  ascended a rugged Hill, went up the Hill and came upon them on the top of the Hill, the Indians fired one gun, and then made of[f] leaving the Prisoners, the mans name that was taken was Bouck (11) after they had retaken the Prisoners they returned to Schoharry.  After word the Indians returned and burned a part of the Town and killed and scalped thinks seven persons thinks their names were Vroman, that is Tunis Vroman (12) his wife and three children and the wife and child of Lieut Vroman.  The troops in the Fort were not sufficient to contend with the Indians and did leave the fort except the said Wilbur a Murphy and one or two others who endeavoured to overtake the Indians but did not effect it.  Soon after the Indians went off they were called to the Mohawk and went to Fort Plank where they were attached to a company commanded by Captain Bogarts, 1st Lieut King 2d Lieut Pertang (13) they were then put under Major Van Benscouten and Fort Stanwicks on the way they fell in with and met a party of Indians, said to be Sixty in rising they met them in the road And fired once and the Indians fled they killed one Indian but received no injury.  They then pursued their course to Fort Stanwicks while they were at Fort Stanwicks there was a detachment of about sixty or sixty two under Captain Vroman (14) went out to destroy the enemy boats on the lake, the first day after they left the Fort they were all surrounded and taken prisoners, one of the detachment made his escape and returned to the Fort.  They remained at Fort Stanwicks until they were relieved by a Continental Regiment, which was in the fore part of the winter when they march down the Mohawk and were discharged at or near Albany. (15)  That he served until regularly discharged though he can’t speak positive as to the precise time he served though it must be about nine months and could not very but very [sic] few days from nine months.
            In the fall of the year, he thinks 1781 but the year he cannot state positively, he went for a class in SpencerTown as afore said in a company commanded by Captain Hale of SpencerTown, they went to Albany where they were Mustered, and went to Schoharry and were there stationed in the Middle Fort the whole time they were out.  There was no Troops at that place that time but Captain Hale’s (16) Company and they had no duty to do except to keep Garrison and nothing particular or important occurred during the campaign, they were called out for four months which time they served.  When their time was out they were discharged, the day he can’t recollect but the snow was very deep.
            That he has no documentary evidence of his services and he has made thorough search and inquiry and cannot find any one nor does he know of any one he can procure to testify to any part of his services.
            He here by relinquishes every claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the present and declares that his name is not on the pension roll of the agency of any State.  (Signed) Jedediah Darrow
            Sworn & Subscribed to this 9th day of October 1832.  A. S. Sloan Clk.
            And the said Jedediah Darrow did then and there upon his oath make the following Answers to the several interrogatories put to him by the Said Court as by the War Department prescribed.
            1st That he was born in New London in the State of Connecticut in the year 1762.
            2d  That he has no record of his age.
            3d  Was living in Spencertown in the State of New York when he was called in to Service each time.  That after the Revolution he lived first in SpencerTown then on the Mohawk River then in Florida in New York and he can’t now state all the places he followed School Teaching until he got married the greater part of the time and taught in different places, was married at half moon in the County of Sarratoga from there he moved to Springfield where he lived but a short time then a number of years in Mindan (Minden) then called then he moved into Eaton where he now resides.
            4th he was called into service as set forth in his declaration.
            5th That he has set forth all that his recollection will enable him to; in his declaration of the Troop with which he served, the officers under whom he served and the details of his service.
            6th That he never received but one written discharge and that was after the Campaign to the South don’t now recollect who it was signed by.  He thought it of no use and kept it but a short time.
            7th That Daniel Tillinghast esqr & Nelson TerBrock, Tillinghast esq Elder N[?] Jo[cut off] are acquainted with him.
            In order to obtain the benefits of the provision made by the Act of Congress passed July 29th 1848. &c
State of New York
Madison County SS.
            On this 15th Day of December One thousand Eight hundred and forty Eight personally appeared in Open Court before the Court of in and for the said County of Madison, Alche Darrow a resident of the Town of Eaton in said County of Madison, aged Seventy four years, who being first duly sworn according to law doth on her oath make the following Declaration in order to obtain the benefits of the provision made by the Act of Congress passed July 29th 1848, entitled An Act for the relief of certain surviving widows of Officers, and soldiers of the Revolutionary Army” and also for the benefit of the Joint Resolution of Congress approved July 1st 1848.
            That she this Declarant is now the widow of Jedediah Darrow, who died a Revolutionary Pensioner of the United States, in the aforesaid Town of Eaton, County of Madison and State of New York, on the thirtieth day of October, One thousand Eight hundred and thirty five.
            That Declarant was married to her husband the aforesaid Jedediah Darrow on the Ninth day of June in the year One thousand Seven hundred and Ninety Nine, at Balltown Springs in the county of Saratoga in said State of New York, by the Rev’d Mr. Lee, a Baptist Clergyman, who then lived and preached at said Balltown Springs.
            That the following persons were present at her said marriage to wit, Reuben Taylor and his wife, Elisabeth Duel, Rev. Mr. Lee’s family and others.
            That previous to her marriage aforesaid Declarant resided in the Town of Half Moon in the aforesaid County of Saratoga and bore the maiden name of Teachout.
            That the accompanying Record is Declarants family Record made by and in the hand writing of her husband the said Jedediah Darrow which record Declarant has caused to be taken from her family Bible for the purpose of accompanying this Declaration for said pension.  (Signed) Alche Darrow
            Subscribed and Sworn to in open Court before me the day and year first aforesaid being the said Circuit Court now sitting and the same being a Court of Record.  WH. Shankland Justice of Sup. Court.

Family Record
Jedediah Darrow and Alche Teachout was married June 9th 1799.
Nathan Baley Darrow was Born April 17th 1800
Cornelius Darrow was Born January 13th 1802
Franklin Darrow was Born April 12th 1804
John Darrow was Born September 22nd 1805
Amanda Darrow was born April 16th 1807
Samuel Rogers Darrow was Born August 23rd 1809
Hannah Lent Darrow was Born July 24th 1811
Sumner Ely Darrow was Born July 3rd 1814
George Eliot Darrow was Born April 1st 1817
Nathan Baley Darrow Died October 2nd 1822, Aged 22 Years five Months and 14 Days.
Jedediah Darrow died October 30th 1835.

Letter of inquiry dated June 14, 1928 in the pension file.
            I have to advise you from the papers in the Revolutionary War pension claim W. 1570, it appears that Jedediah Darrow was born in 1762 in New London, Connecticut.
            While residing at Spencertown, New York, he enlisted and served as a private in the New York Troops, as follows—
            April 1, 1778, ten months and fifteen days in Captain Hallet’s Company,Colonle Cortland’s Regiment.
            In the spring of 1779, three months under Lieutenant Vroman; and later six weeks in Captain Alexander Harper’s company.
            From the spring of 1780, eight months under Captains Hager and Bogart.
            From the fall of 1781, four months in Captain Hale’s Company.
            He was allowed pension on his application executed October 8, 1832, while a resident of Eaton, Madison County, New York.  He died there October 30, 1835.
            Soldier married June 9, 1799 at Ballston Springs, Saratoga County, New York, Alche Teachout.  She was allowed pension on his application executed December 15, 1848, while a resident of Eaton, New York, aged seventy-four years.
            [Then follows another list of the children.]

End Notes—Jedediah Darrow W.1570

  1. Served in Captain Jonathan Hallet’s Company, Colonel Philip Van Cortlandt’s Second New York Continental Regiment as a private, starting 5 May 1778 for nine months.  He was discharged 20 February 1779.  Revolutionary War Rolls 1775-1783.  Series M-246, Folder 27, Roll 69, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
  2. First Lieutenant Christopher Codwise was in Captain Hallet’s Company, Ensign Charles F. Weisenfels, Major Nicholas Fish and Lieutenant-Colonel Frederick Weisenfelt’s were in the Second New York.
  3. The Battle of Monmouth, New Jersey was fought on June 82, 1778.  Only part of the Second New York were engaged.
  4. The October 7, 1778 Muster Roll of Captain Hallet’s Company shows Darrow “Sick Fishkill.”  The February 11, 1779 roll has him “Sick at Albany” and the June 2, [blotted] shows Darrow was discharged on February 20th (1779).  Revolutionary War Rolls 1775-1783, Series M-246, Folder 27, Roll 69, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
  5. Darrow served as a private in Captain Joshua Whitney’s company in Colonel Peter Van Ness’ Regiment of Albany County Militia. (Ninth Regiment)
  6. First Lieutenant Ephraim Vrooman of Captain Jacob Hager’s Company in Colonel Peter Vrooman’s Regiment of Albany County Militia. (Fifteenth Regiment)
  7. Darrow may be mistaken as to which Harper he had volunteered under.  Colonel John Harper, Colonel of the Fifth Regiment of Tryon County Militia was appointed Captain of the Volunteers (they went with no pay), and Captain Garret Putman of the Third Regiment of Tryon County Militia was second in Command of the Volunteers.
  8. Jedediah enlisted as a private in Captain Isaac Bogart’s Company in Lieutenant-Colonel John Harper’s Regiment of New York State Levies.  The regiment was discharged on November 30, 1780.  He had two pay certificates—17867 for £ 6.. 13.. 4 and 17933 for £10.. 13.. 4.  Both were transferred to Captain Bogart and he signed or received the money.  Revolutionary War Rolls 1775-1783.  Series M-246, Roll 74, Nationals Archives, Washington, D.C.
  9. Lieutenant Joseph Harper of Captain Lathrop Allen’s Company of Harper’s Regiment of Levies.
  10. John Wilbur (Williber, Wolliber, etc.) was a private in Bogart’s Company in Harper’s Regiment in 1780.  Wilbur also served as a sergeant in Captain Benjamin Debois’ Company in Colonel Marinus Willett’s Regiment of New York State Levies in 1781.  He also served as a private in Captain Hager’s Company in Colonel Vrooman’s Regiment all of the above service was performed after he was discharged from Colonel Daniel Morgan’s Regiment (11th Virginia Continental Regiment) in 1779.
  11. William Bouck (Bouch, etc.).  Author Jeptha R. Simms in his The Frontiersman of New York Vol. 2, pp 352-355, Albany, 1883, relates the Bouck incident in detail.
  12. Captain Joseph Brant after destroying in and around the present day Village of Fort Plain and the Town of Minden, Montgomery County on August 2, 1780, split his raiding party into 3.  He led the party that attacked the Vroomansland settlement on August 9, 1780.  Tunis Vrooman was the Captain of a Company of Exempts for Colonel Vrooman’s District.
  13. Lieutenants King and Pertang were not in Bogart’s Company or in Harper’s Regiment.  Bogart’s Lieutenants were Victor Putman and George Passage.  Major Elias Van Benschouten was in Colonel Lewis Dubois’ Regiment of New York State Levies.
  14. Captain Walter Vrooman of Harper’s Levies with his detachment were taken prisoners on October 23, 1780.
  15. Colonel William Malcom had taken Colonel Harper’s Regiment from Fort Rensselaer on September 26, 1780 to relieve the First New York Continental Regiment who had been garrisoning the fort since April 1779.  On the way there they ran into a small party of Indians on September 28, 1780 and after dispersing then they continued their march. Colonel Malcom had transferred Major James M. Hughes from his regiment of Levies on September 25, 1780 to Harper’s Regiment.  On arriving at Fort Schuyler, Major Hughes with Harper’s Regiment was left in Command of the fort.  Colonel Malcom and his regiment marched to West Point after learning of General Benedict Arnold’s treason.  General George Washington and Governor George Clinton had ordered troops to West Point to reinforce the troops there for fear of a British attack.  On November 22, 1780, the Fourth New York Continental arrived at Fort Schuyler to relieve Major Hughes’ troops whose enlistments would expire on November 30, 1780. The Levies left the fort on November 23, 1780.
  16. Captain Aaron Hale had served in the Connecticut Continental Army.  He had settled in SpencerTown and had been appointed Captain on March 29, 1781 in Colonel Van Ness’ Regiment.  Captain Hale was then appointed Captain in Colonel Marinus Willett’s Regiment of New York State Levies.  The company was formed on August 1, for four months service.  They were discharged on November 30, 1781.  Jedediah had  £10.. 6.. 2 due him for his service and Thomas Monsey received it.  Captain Aaron Hale’s Payroll for 1781, Revolutionary War Rolls 1775-1783, Series M-246, Roll 78, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
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