Morrison's Pensions

Pension Application for Hendrick House, Otsego County RWPA #W21383

State of New York
Otsego County SS
On this fourteenth day of September 1838, personally appeared before Circuit Court of the fifth Circuit Nancy House, a resident of Springfield in said County of Otsego, aged seventy years, who being duly sworn according to law, doth on her oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the provision made by the Act of Congress passed July 7, 1838 entitled “An Act Granting Half Pay and Pensions to Certain Widows”. That she is the widow of Henry House, who was a private soldier in the Army of the Revolution, that he served in Capt. Gross and Capt. House Company for a more particular description reference may be had to the evidence in the War Department, that the said Henry House was an applicant for a pension. That this deponent received the same from the 4th March 1831 to the 5th day of June 1834. The day of his death, under the of 1832. (looks like a word was left out of the application) She further declares that she was married to the said Henry House on the fifteenth day of February 1789; that her husband the aforesaid Henry House died on the fifth day of June 1834. That she was not married to him prior to his leaving the service but the marriage took place previous to the first day of January seventeen hundred and ninety four, viz at the time above stated. Sworn to and subscribed on the day and year above written before me in open court. (her mark) Nancy House Jesse Nose? Clerk

I certify that from age and infirmity Nancy House the foregoing applicant is unable to write her name and therefore makes her mark. Jesse Node, Clerk

State of New York
Otsego County
On the seventeenth day of October 1832 personally appeared on open court before the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas in and for the County of Otsego now sitting Henry House of the Town of Springfield in County of Otsego State of New York aged seventy seven years of age who being first duly sworn according to law, doth make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress passeth June the Seventh 1832 that he entered the service of the United States under the following officers and served as herein stated.

This deponent further states that he was born in the Now Town of Minden Montgomery County, State of New York that he has record of his age but says from information that he was born the seventh day of April 1765.

This deponent further saith that at the age of sixteen years of age he enlisted in the War of the Revolution at Fort Plank then the Town of Canajoharie County of Tryon now the Town of Minden, Montgomery County this enlistment took place early in the Spring of the year 1781 and this deponent has reason to believe from circumstances at Fort Plank aforesaid and enlisted in the company commanded by Capt. Lawrence Gross under the immediate command of Colonel Marinus Willett. This deponent further states that after being enlisted aforesaid and passeth muster he was ordered to Fort Plain from thence to Fort Windecker. Those at that fort I was stationed to guard and stand sentry on stouts? Here we remained and served as aforesaid until sometime in the fall of said year and more particularly until the Battle of Johnstown now Montgomery County and did also the taking of Butler at the West Canaday Creek.

This deponent further saith that he was in the aforementioned Battle of Johnstown aforesaid that he served there shortly before the battle commenced and that he the deponent was engaged throughout the whole of said battle and in the morning of the next day I went in pursuit of said Butler and was present at the taking of said Butler and saw his dead body lay on the ground with his scalp taken off and was nakit (naked).

This deponent further saith that after the battle aforesaid I remained a short time at Fort Windecker from there to Fort House from there To Fort Tayton (Dayton) from thence Fort Herkimer and so on from place to place thence to Fort Herkimer again there received my discharge. This discharge was a letter sent by Capt Lawrence Gross to the officers commanding the Fort to discharge men there that had enlisted.

Gross to the officers commanding this fort to discharge me and others who had enlisted the same time. This enlistment-nine months my enlistment.

This deponent further says that during this aforesaid enlistment I was commanded by the following officers to wit, the Battle of Johnstown I was commanded by Col. Marinus Willett, Capt Lawrence Gross, Capt. Putman at other places Lieutenant Loltkill, Lieutenant Hutton, Capt Lawrence Gross.

This deponent further saith that he rendered services to the United States in the War of the Revolution in what summer season at Fort Plank the year previous to the above enlistment this was militia service and during which time rendered no other service, did no other ??? employed at not other kind of work there to guard, stand sentry and go on Scouts this service rendered under the immediate command of Major Coapman, Capt. House, Lieutenant Miller, this summer season service amounts to, as this deponent believes, to six months actual service.

This deponent further saith that the year after my aforesaid enlistment thinks in that year 1782, I rendered services to the United States in the War of the Revolution as a Militiaman in Fort Plank as aforesaid this season I commended early in the spring of said year under command of Captain House and Major Coapman and I continued my service as aforesaid in guarding said fort Montgomery County and going on scouts at different times and different durations this summer season almost wholly employed in the season of the fort and going on scouts as afore said and that I rendered no other services the whole summer season than as aforesaid of my Country obliged the orders of my officers as above stated this summer amounted to six months actual service and further says not.

This deponent further says that he was born in the now Town of Minden on the seventh day of April 1765.

Says that he has no record of his age.

Says that he enlisted when he entered the service at Fort Plank since the war resided in the now Town of Danube, Herkimer County from there to Springfield to my present place of residence.

Says that he was drafted never was a volunteer, never a substitute.

Says that officers under which I served are the following to wit, Colonel Marinus Willett, Captain Lawrence Gross, Capt. Putman, Lieutenant Loltkill, Major Coapman, Captain House.

Never received any written discharge.

Says the following persons reside in my immediate neighborhood who can testify to character for veracity and their belief of my service as a soldier in the War of the Revolution. To wit, Geo House, John Dusler, Jacob Young, Jacob Van Valkenburgh, John Allen.

This deponent further saith that he never received any annuity or pension under any law of the United States providing for the Revolutionary officers and soldiers hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the present and declares that his name is not on the pension roll of this or of any state. (Signed) Hendrick House.

Sworn and subscribed in open court the 17th day of October 1832, Horace Lathrop, Clerk

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