Morrison's Pensions

Pension Application for Reuben Wheaton

Ser. N.A. Acc. No. 874. No. 050188-Not Half Pay, Reuben Wheaton
State of New York
County of Schenectady SS.
            On this seventeenth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred & thirty tow personally appeared in open court before the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas in and for said county now sitting Reuben Wheaton a resident of the town of Glenville in said county and State aged sixty nine years who being first duly sworn according to law, doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the act of Congress passed June 7th 1832.
            He was born in the township of Schenectady in the County of Albany in the State aforesaid in the month of September 1763.  He has no record of his age except that contained in his family Bible.
            When he was called into the service of the United States in the army of the revolution he was living in said township and sine the revolutionary war he has lived in said township & he now lives in the town of Glenville aforesaid.
            He entered the service of the United States under the following named officers and served as herein stated.
            In the spring of the year 1778 he was enrolled in Captain Jesse VanSlyck’s Company of Militia in the Regiment whereof Abraham Wemple was Colonel.  His other company and field officers whom he recollects were Francis Veeder, Lieutenant Daniel McMichael Sergeant, Abraham Swits and Myndert Wemple Majors.  The claimant served in said company from the time of his enrollment until the end of the war.
            During his engagement in said company, being for the term of five years, he was in many expeditions against the enemy.  But his memory does not serve him sufficiently well to specify them all.  The following are the principal ones, & the time he served in most of them, but he cannot give dates.
            He served in a scouting party to Ballston for about one week—on his return to Schenectady he mounted guard under Francis Veeder Captain of the guard.
            He served in a scouting party about eight days, and on this occasion marched to Beaverdam and took three prisoners & their baggage—on his return to Schenectady mounted guard under command of Robert Smith Captain of the guard.
            He went out with scouts to the Heldebergh a place much infested with tories.  He was absent in this tour about eight days & on his return to Schenectady, remembers that Albert Mabee was the Captain of the guard there & he served under him.
            In August 1780 he marched with the detachment of militia from said Regiment to Fort Plain & Fort Plank to repel the incursion made by the enemy under Brandt on this occasion he was garrisoned at fort Plank for the term of one month under command of Captain Abraham Oothout—Before he returned to Schenectady, he served with a party of soldiers who guarded the farms in that vicinity while bringing in their harvest.  On his return to Schenectady he mounted guard under Lewis Barheydt, Captain of the guard.
            In 1781 he was called out on an alarm to the lower fort of Schoharie & remained there performing garrison duty three weeks.  On his return to Schenectady he mounted guard under Nicholas Yates Captain of the guard.
            In the year last named when Major Ross & Walter Butler made a descent on the Mohawk settlements, he served with the detachment from said regiment eight days.  He was then attached to the party whose duty it was to guard the prisoners taken in the battle on that occasion to Schenectady.
            When the tories and Indians under Sir John Johnson devastated Caughnawaga in 1780, he was on duty about one week.
            He has been as a scout in pursuit of tories to Sacondaga & Helderbergh & other places where they rendezvoused not now particularly recollected.  He has been with scouts twice to Schoharie besides performing sentinel duty there for three weeks as aforesaid.
            He was in the battle of Johnstown in 1781.
            The whole period he was on actual duty in the garrison & in the field, he has means of ascertaining to a certainty, yet knows it exceeds twenty four months.
            The following are the names of some of the regular officers whom he knew, or who were with the troops where he served, and such continental and militia regiments or companies, with which he served, or as he can recollect, viz: General Gaansevoort, General Schuyler, Colonel VanSchaick, VanDyck, Willett, Harper, Cortland, & their troops, Adjutant Jellis A. Fonda, & many others.
            He never received any written discharge from the service.
            He has no documentary evidence, and knows of no person whose testimony he can procure who can testify to his service except those whose depositions are hereunto subjoined.
            The following are the names of person to whom he is known in his present neighborhood, and who can testify as to his character for veracity, and their belief of his services as a soldier of the revolution, to wit? John Sanders, & John S. Vroman.
            He hereby relinquishes every claim whatever, to a pension or annuity except the present, and declares that his name is not on the pension roll of the agency of any State.  (Signed with his mark)  Reuben Wheaton.
            Subscribed and sworn to the day and year first aforesaid.  John S. Vrooman, Clerk.

Letter dated December 10, 1928, replying to a request for information.
            I advise you that in the Revolutionary War claim for pension of Reuben Wheaton (S.24010), it is not stated that soldier was ever married.
            Reuben Wheaton, Certificate No. 24405, issued December 10, 1833, rate $24.32 per annum, commenced March 4, 1831, act of June 7, 1832, New York Agency.

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